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Miriam Forcible, or better known as Miss Forcible, is a retired burlesque actress along with Miss Spink.


Miss Forcible is less intelligent than Miss Spink. She constantly argues with April about who's right and wrong, and craves attention. As how it was depicted in the film when she was reading Coraline's tea, Miriam is practically blind as a bat, as Miss Spink puts it, and uses small spectacles to see through more clearer.

The Other Miss Forcible

The Other Miss. Forcible looked the same as Miss. Forcible. She is revealed with long hair and in a Venus style clamshell. She shed her old skin as if it was a suit and became the younger Forcible, seen on pictures in the Pink Palace, then took her on the trapeze with the Other Miss Spink while quoting a monologue from Shakespeare's play; Hamlet.


While Miss Spink is Short and Fat, Miss Forcible is tall and skinny, with the exception of her large chest. She is pale, and wears a pink gown with a teal line that matches her eyes. Miss Forcible also carries around small spectacles that she frequently uses, and wears a headband with a rose on top.


  • (To Coraline) "Oh go on have one. It’s hand-pulled taffy from Brighton. Best in the world."
  • (To Coraline) "Well, not to worry, child: It's good news. There's a tall handsome beast in your future."
  • (To Coraline) "I see a giraffe."
  • (To Coraline) "Acquire a very tall step-ladder."


  • She was correct when she said the seeing stone could help find lost things.
  • During the Other Miss Spink and Forcible's trapeze act, they are quoting a monologue from Shakespeare's Hamlet.
  • She is said to be blind which may be the cause for her light blue, almost grey eyes
  • In the film, when she dresses up for the theater, it reveals that she wears a wig.